The Yard

Our Shipyard, from 1928 up to our days, has - by applying the traditional shipbuilding art- created dozens of boats of all types which scour the seas of Eastern Mediterranean. Boats made with passion but also well equipped with the latest shipbuilding technology.

So today we are able to offer the maximum professionalism and also provide you with the answer to any small or big problem you might have.

In a 7,000sq.m. area and of contemporary facilities for hauling, launching, parking, safety, repair and construction of traditional and modern boats, we combine our competitive prices with our excellent quality and the earliest possible construction/delivery time.

In our shipyard you can find:

  • Friendly and human approach in your problem,
  • Ultra modern equipment of the latest shipbuilding technology,
  • Manpower expertise,
  • Working hours serving your needs

Pioneers in our industry, we create those conditions with which Greece will serve as an important draw for customers from all around the world.

For you that the sea is your second home, our goal is to be an innovate shipping construction unit for tourist and professional boats which serve your needs.

Our professional experience is huge. Such as the knowledge and the love for what we do.

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